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Tāmaki Connect Trust in association with Tāmaki College presents
Project RISE...
Why was Project RISE initiated?Project RISE was initiated by the Tāmaki College Senior Leadership Team and Board in response to growing issues it was seeing in the classroom at Tāmaki College. Staff were observing ongoing issues around basic literacy, low energy, motivation and general wellbeing. The College determined that it needed to do more and to work smarter around the types of interventions that were needed in order to lift education and general life outcomes for students and their respective families.
Why are you taking a whole of family and community approach?We realise that working with students alone is not enough. Our teachers in the classrom are saying that there are some issues outside of the classroom that are impacting student learners capacity and therefore we need to look at other ways that involves reaching out to student's families and the wider community to find a way. They say, it takes a village to raise a child - and so this is what we are adopting.
Who are your partners?We know that we can't do this alone. It's the very reason why the Charitable Trust that was formed to drive Project RISE and called Tāmaki Connect Trust. We essentially want and need to 'connect' on all levels. Whilst Project RISE is still in its early stages, we are grateful to our growing family of partners who are focused on supporting Project RISE to ensure young people with their families from the local Tāmaki Community rise. For information on our partners, check out our partnerships page on this website.
Is Project RISE primarily focused on Youth?Yes it is. Because of our sister relationship with the only College in Tāmaki, we are focused on empowering Tāmaki College students with supported pathways and more. As we work youth, we realise we also have to consider how we work with their families as well as engage the local community and those providers that engage our youth. Together we can do more!
How is Project RISE linked to the Tamaki Education Change Plan and the Tamaki Regeneration Programme lead by Tamaki Regeneration Company?The Tāmaki Education Change Plan aims to deliver better education outcomes in Tāmaki, factoring in future population growth and increased demand for services. The plan takes a holistic approach to education in Tāmaki, including elements of social service and infrastructure needs, health and wellbeing, learning pathways and pedagogy, and the built environment. A significant aspect of the plan is the delivery of new education infrastructure in Tāmaki. Tāmaki Regeneration Company worked with the Ministry of Education and local schools on the Tāmaki Education Change Plan. Project RISE is linked to Tāmaki College and other schools in Tāmaki. Project RISE is a special project aligned to the Tāmaki Education Change Plan and more significantly represents the kind of social change the community is yearning for.
Why is co-designing services with the community so important?We want to ensure that any new services and infrastructure created is not fit for purpose but in line with our Project RISE model enables young people, their families and the local community to drive it. Ownership and leadership needs to be driven from within the community.
What do you hope to achieve in 2022 for Project RISE?We hope to have completed a successful co-design regime and thereafter kick-started services in a progressive manner. We acknowledge the very size and scale of Project RISE won't all happen in one given year so our focus will be in activating elements and services of Project RISE one by one, year by year.
How are property plans of Tāmaki College linked to Project RISE and vice versa?Tāmaki College is currently working through its property plans to factor in new school facilities, some of which will be utilised to accomodate various services of Project RISE.
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