Tāmaki Connect Trust in association with Tāmaki College presents
Project RISE...

Chairperson's Message
In early 2020, our establishment committee which comprised of the senior leadership team and board members of Tāmaki College decided we needed to make a bold move towards supporting our students, their families and the wider local community in Tāmaki, Auckland. This bold move is called Project RISE.
Project RISE will compliment Tamaki College's education program with the addition of some exciting new services and facilities that will support a whole of family and community approach that will improve the overall wellbeing of students and their respective families.
Like the rest of society, our work has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic over the past two years. We are currently working on making sure our foundations and services are co-designed with our community. We are grateful for a growing cast of partnerships that have come on board to support Project RISE.
Given the scale and vision of Project RISE, Tāmaki Connect Trust in collaboration with Tāmaki College are confident that Project RISE will have a positive impact on the lives of our rangitahi, their families and the local Tāmaki community.
Nga mihi,
Soana Pamaka, Chairperson
Tāmaki Connect Trust

RISE Values



Developed by Tāmaki Connect Trust in association with the Tāmaki College, Project RISE is a community development program that helps Tāmaki College connect with the local community to create value for the Tāmaki Community.
It does this by co-designing projects that support the needs of the community, establishes a community governance model that ensures it is for and by the community, that then drives education, community and social enterprise projects so that the community can take charge of their own economic and social development.
Project RISE Program builds on Tāmaki College’s existing RISE Values.

Soana Pamaka
Principal, Tāmaki College

DJ Tuaru Temu
Trustee, Tāmaki Connect Trust
Presiding Member, Tāmaki College

Monty Jones
Trustee, Tāmaki Connect Trust
Board Member, Tāmaki College

Ina Michael

Kathryn Moore
Deputy Principal

Neil McEnteer
Executive Officer

Amber George

Nepote Hingano

Natasha Audi
Director of Projects
Tāmaki Connect Trust

Dr. Jannie Van Hees
Literacy Expert
Tāmaki College

Kerry Topp
Associate, Master Facilitator
Kerry Topp Collective

Karl Bailey
Associate, Co-designer
Akomanga Kaihanga

Tereora Academy
Associate, Family Services
Tāmaki College

Jeremy Spruyt
Akomanga Kaihanga Lead
Tāmaki College

Akomanga Kaihanga
Students (with families)
Tāmaki College